Demand Research

We provide sales research and outbound appointments
We've found that our clients who have the most success with a new product or service are the ones who have spent time researching their target market, and we have a special service just for that purpose. Our Demand Research service is designed to be the first step in your marketing campaign, and it helps you identify the markets where your product or service will be well-received before you begin spending money on advertising or production.
There's more to a successful marketing strategy than just knowing your audience. To make sure you're delivering the best content for your customers and clients, you must understand what they need and want from you. We are established to help ensure that you're talking to the right people instead of wasting time and money on the wrong audience.
Demand research isn't just a buzzword, it's an art. That's why we're so proud of our demand research strategies—we provide them with the same level of care, delicacy, and attention to detail as you would find in a fine art gallery. We'll do the work for you by talking with your target buyers and conducting a thorough analysis of their pain points and needs. We'll even make recommendations for how to use this information to improve your marketing campaigns!
We believe that every company deserves an equal opportunity to reach its audience—and with our help, you can get there in no time. We're here to help you identify and understand your target audience—a step that's key to building a strong marketing strategy. Market research isn't just a "nice to have" anymore, and we're here to make it easier than ever.

Demand research gets to the heart of your most pressing questions:

What kind of product or service do you need to make? Do people even want it? How much do they want it? What is their current pain point? Is there a large enough audience that would be interested in what we can offer them? What will people say about your company? How will they perceive your brand? How can you reach them and make a lasting impression? And more.
While this is an essential first step in any marketing campaign, many business owners and marketers often skip it—either because they're overconfident in their abilities, too busy, or just plain too intimidated to conduct this kind of research. Don’t be like them!
Demand research strategy is a generally comprehensive process that lets you know who your clients are and how to reach them.
Demand Research
First, you find out what the need or desire your product or service fulfills. If a client's problem isn't clear, then neither will their need for your solution be.
Demand Research
Next, you identify the markets that will have the most interest in your solutions. Then you create a buyer persona that fully describes these people.
Demand Research
Next, you identify the markets that will have the most interest in your solutions. Then you create a buyer persona that fully describes these people.
Demand Research
Demand Research
At Digitalzone, our demand research approach uses automation tools to make life easier for your marketing team and help you to achieve more with fewer resources. It is very simple:
Demand Research
Before the campaign launch, we will meet with the marketer to dial in specific questions to ask their target prospect via telemarketing efforts. This will be a full survey of questions that will enable sales teams to speak to specific topics that are pertinent to the potential buyer.
Demand Research
After we define all the questions in the survey, we will launch the campaign toward prospects within the marketer’s desired target persona. We will record all the calls and include that in the delivery after the campaign.
Demand Research
In addition to the lead delivery file and the call recordings, we will compile the results in a market research report that we will present to the marketer after the campaign. This will enable the marketer to extrapolate important data points to optimize future campaigns and content.
Demand Research
Lastly, we will create a piece of content for the marketer to leverage in the future. Whether it’s an infographic, whitepaper, or an eBook, the marketer will have a thought leadership asset driven by real-world insights from their target persona.
Our team has the tools and expertise to conduct primary research (creating surveys, interviews, focus groups), secondary research (using data from studies that have already been conducted), as well as both qualitative and quantitative analyses of the results of the research. That means by identifying key characteristics about your clients and potential clients such as age range, interests and hobbies, gender, buying habits, location, financial situation, and more, we can help you find out who your audience is, what they're looking for, and how best to approach them.
We can help you find out what people are saying about your company and how to reach them. We help you to build a positive brand image, increasing demand for your product or service. We offer individual solutions tailored to your company's needs, from conducting focus groups and interviews with stakeholders to creating surveys and questionnaires. We will take into account all the nuances of your business and industry so that our research is as relevant as possible.
With years of experience helping B2B companies from a variety of industries connect with their audiences in new ways, we've developed methods that are proven to work. Our results have helped B2B companies achieve a 60% increase in conversion rate for e-commerce sites, an 80% increase in average order size on e-commerce sites, 85% increase in customer retention rate.
By working with Digitalzone, you will know which of your marketing campaigns are most successful, how to reach people who are interested in your products/services, and whether there is demand for more product lines or new features of your solution.
B2B marketers who don't know their target market are like toddlers playing darts in a dark room: they're gonna hurt themselves, and they're gonna hurt their brand. But with Digitalzone's demand research process, you can finally see where you need to throw your darts: we'll uncover your customer's language, pain points, and preferences so you can make an ad that sticks.
Demand Research
If you want to know your customers and what they need or want, Digitalzone is the solution.
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