Intent-Based Marketing

Delivering prospects what they really want.

How do you know when your marketing is working?

If you're like most companies, you just don't. You base your marketing strategies on guesses and gut feelings and spend more than you'd hoped on campaigns that don't deliver results.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Intent-based marketing is the best way to ensure you're reaching the right people, at the right time, with the right message—and we have the data to prove it: intent-based campaigns can increase ROI better than other types of campaigns. That's where we come in.
At Digitalzone, our mission is to help businesses like yours take full advantage of intent-based marketing. We use a blend of human intuition and artificial intelligence to discover what your customers are interested in—even before they know it themselves—and reach them with targeted messages across channels like search engines, social media platforms, video distribution networks, and email inboxes.
We use data to drive business. We're not just about pumping out content for the sake of saying something. We uncover the real needs of your audience and develop a data-driven strategy that speaks to what they want when they want it, and how they prefer to get it.
With our specialization in intent-based marketing, we intend to get inside your customers' heads and figure out what they need—not just for now, but for the future. We intend to help them determine whether you have what it takes to solve their problem, not just today but down the road. This is especially important when it comes to B2-B businesses because so many of these companies are seeking out long-term solutions and partners when they make their purchasing decisions.
We help you figure out how to reach those customers who are looking for more than just a quick fix—to help them understand how your product or service can benefit them not only today but tomorrow and into the future as well. We do this by focusing on data-driven insights about their previous experiences and behaviors so we can predict their next steps with precision and accuracy.
Intent-Based Marketing
Digitalzone helps to maximize your ROI. We understand that your business goals are serious. And so are ours. Our team of digital marketing experts uses advanced analytics to understand the intent of inbound customers and provides bespoke services to help our clients meet their goals.
With us, you don't get cookie-cutter content. You get customized solutions that speak to your specific audience, help you meet your goals, and grow your business. We're on top of every new trend in demand generation and digital marketing generally. We've been building brands, driving sales, and changing markets for so long that we could probably tell you about the next big thing before you've even heard of it.
With a database of 105m, we know what businesses would want next. Our in-house developed proprietary tools track surge behavior and target decision-makers within the business. We create compelling content that strikes a chord with your prospect and amasses sales. We exist to help innovative companies like yours get more customers—and we know you want results, not buzzwords. That's why we focus on an intent-based marketing approach.
We love marketing. We also love data. We use data to understand what your customers want, and then we make sure you're there when they need you the most. It's all about making connections and nurturing leads who already have an interest in your product or service. That's why we're digital marketing experts who've been helping businesses get the most out of their marketing for years now. We've got the expertise and the experience to build you a comprehensive strategy based on data-driven insights, no matter what your business or industry is. Plus, we'll be there for you every step of the way—making sure your conversion rates stay where they should be and looking for new opportunities to keep you ahead of the competition.
As the hot new thing in the digital marketing space, we're here to help you figure out what intent-based marketing means for you and your business. With intent-based marketing, we will use our proprietary method for identifying the right target audience for your brand to create personalized campaigns that reach your potential customers quickly. We will take your existing customer base and identify their buying patterns. Then we'll use what we learn to reach out to new customers whose behavior is similar, in hopes of bringing them into the fold. We do not just look at the problem from every angle to find its solution. We also know how to communicate the solution.
Intent-Based Marketing
Whatever your needs are on the intent-based marketing front, Digitalzone has got what it takes to make it happen.
We don't just go out there, guns blazing—we consider each client's specific needs and goals first. We can set up a custom campaign based on your preferences, or use one of our pre-set options that have already been thoroughly tested. We will help you find, engage, and delight your target audience by using intent-based marketing practices.
We will help you build a better relationship with your customers and grow your brand. We use insights into consumer behavior and thought processes to help you reach your audience. And we do so through comprehensive research, creative strategy development, and meticulous execution.
Let’s help you get in their heads. That's right, we're talking about that special place where your customers go to make buying decisions. No, not the "cart" or the "checkout" button—the place where they decide you have what they need. We help you get there.
When you're ready to start building a marketing strategy based on your ideal customer's intent, we're here to help.
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Explore an ROI-driven path to marketing success. Here, you'll see how originality, collaboration, and expertise can make a real difference.
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